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Arcadia an isolated mountainous region in southern Greece, associated in ancient times with rustic simplicity and innocence.
Darjeeling a variety of black tea grown in the mountainous region around Darjeeling, India.
flatland (often pl.) fairly flat terrain such as a valley or plains, as opposed to hilly or mountainous terrain.
golden eagle a large eagle that has golden brown feathers on its head and neck and is found in the mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
hillbilly (informal) a person who comes from a remote rural area, esp. from the mountainous region of the southern United States; often, a person considered to be primitive or backward because of this residence or origin. [1/2 definitions]
Hmong an ethnic group of Asia whose homeland includes the mountainous regions of southern China and northern Southeast Asia. [1/2 definitions]
hogback a long, sharp, mountainous ridge, often formed of steeply inclined strata.
meadow an open grassy area in a hilly or mountainous region. [1/2 definitions]
mouflon a wild sheep that inhabits mountainous areas of Corsica and Sardinia.
pika any of a family of small mammals related to rabbits that are found in rocky, mountainous regions of western North America and Asia.
rain shadow the lee side of a mountainous barrier, which receives little or no precipitation.
Thu Bon River a river that flows from the western mountainous areas of Vietnam to the East China Sea, by way of the city of Hôi An.