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Aberdeen Angus any of various hornless beef cattle originating in Scotland and having a smooth black coat.
acorn the fruit of the oak tree, having a smooth, ovoid nut partially enclosed by a rough, cuplike base.
areca any of several tall palm trees of tropical Asia, such as the betel palm, having a smooth, slender trunk and feathery leaves and bearing red or orange nuts. [1/2 definitions]
aspidistra a plant with broad, smooth evergreen leaves growing from the base of the stem, often cultivated as a houseplant.
bajada a smooth, sloping plain along the base of a mountain range, formed by eroded debris deposited by moving water.
bar1 a long counter, often made of smooth, lacquered wood, used as a serving area for beverages or food. [1/13 definitions]
basenji one of a breed of dogs originating in Africa, characterized by a smooth chestnut-brown coat and an inability to bark.
beagle a small, short-legged hound with long ears and a smooth coat, usu. having black, tan, and white markings.
beech a deciduous tree of temperate regions that has smooth gray bark and bears small, edible nuts. [1/2 definitions]
birch a deciduous tree or shrub with close-grained, hard wood and smooth bark that can be peeled off. [1/5 definitions]
blackboard a smooth, hard, dark-colored panel, often made of slate and suitable for writing on with chalk; chalkboard.
blarney skillful or smooth talk, often with some deceit and in an effort to gain favor from the listener. [2 definitions]
blue gum a tall eucalyptus tree native to Australia and widely cultivated in California, with aromatic leaves and a smooth bark that peels off in shreds.
bowls a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball; lawn bowling.
brittle easily broken, esp. along smooth fracture lines. [1/4 definitions]
burnish a smooth, shiny appearance; luster. [1/2 definitions]
calender a machine in which paper or cloth is pressed between rollers to make it smooth or glossy. [1/2 definitions]
calk2 a part projecting from the bottom of a horseshoe to prevent slipping on smooth surfaces. [1/4 definitions]
chalkboard a smooth panel to be written on with chalk; blackboard.
chamois a piece of cloth made to simulate soft leather, used to buff and polish smooth surfaces. [1/5 definitions]
cheddar (sometimes cap.) a smooth hard cheese that varies in taste from mild to very sharp.