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art deco (sometimes cap.) a decorative style of the 1920s and 1930s that featured geometric shapes and bold colors and that was applied to furniture, glass and plastic ware, graphic productions, architecture, and the like.
bell-shaped curve a graphic representation of a statistically normal frequency distribution, which resembles the outline of a bell; bell curve.
benzene ring the graphic representation of the benzene molecule or its derivatives as a hexagon with a carbon atom at each of its six points, and with attached atoms of hydrogen or other elements.
black and white a photograph or graphic representation done in shades of black and white only. [1/2 definitions]
bullet a printed dot or other graphic character, usu. one in a series, placed before a list item, a point, or other piece of text to draw attention to or emphasize it. [1/2 definitions]
centerfold the facing pages at the center of a magazine, often used for a large photograph or other graphic display. [1/2 definitions]
chart a display of information in graphic or tabular form. [1/6 definitions]
cross section a drawing, photograph, or other graphic representation of such a view. [1/3 definitions]
crown a graphic representation of a crown, or anything resembling a crown in shape or position. [1/21 definitions]
documentation in computers, written and graphic material supplied to explain the operation and maintenance of hardware and software. [1/3 definitions]
double-stop the two tones produced by playing a double-stop, or their graphic representation; chord. [1/2 definitions]
EEG abbreviation of "electroencephalogram," the graphic pattern recorded by an electroencephalograph of electric activity in the brain.
EKG abbreviation of "electrocardiogram," the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction.
electrocardiogram the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction; EKG; ECG; cardiogram.
electrocardiograph a galvanometer that detects and makes a graphic record of electric activity in the heart muscles, used to detect and diagnose heart disease or malfunction.
electroencephalogram the graphic pattern recorded by an electroencephalograph of electric activity in the brain; EEG.
free-form having an irregular, often curvilinear contour or shape, esp. in graphic design or abstract art. [1/2 definitions]
graphic a piece of graphic art. [2/7 definitions]
ideogram any graphic symbol, such as a dollar sign or ampersand. [1/2 definitions]
indicia graphic marks or designs on mail that indicate that postage has been paid. [1/2 definitions]
mandala any of various graphic symbols of the universe that are usu. circular with enclosed complex geometric designs, used esp. as an aid to meditation in Hinduism and Buddhism.