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amphioxus a tiny fishlike marine organism characterized by a primitive vertebra and dorsal nerve tissue; lancelet.
chordate of or denoting an animal, such as a tunicate, lancelet, or vertebrate, that at some stage of development has gill slits, a dorsal nerve cord, and a notochord.
dorsiflexion flexion that moves a body part in the dorsal (upward) direction.
finback any of several related whalebone whales with lengthwise grooves on the throat and a prominent, pointed dorsal fin; rorqual.
grayling any of various small-mouthed freshwater fishes related to the trout, that have large, brightly colored dorsal fins. [1/2 definitions]
lionfish any of various marine fishes that have fan-like fins and venomous dorsal spines.
minke whale a small, fast-moving whale having furrows on its light belly and throat and a dorsal fin.
neural pertaining to or located on the dorsal side of the body near or associated with the spinal cord. [1/2 definitions]
notum a dorsal plate or part on an insect segment, esp. the thorax.
oarfish any of several large slender ocean fish, ranging in length from about twelve to almost thirty feet, that have a dorsal fin along the entire length of the back and a red-tipped, manelike crest at the back of the head.
posterior pertaining to the tail end of an animal or the dorsal side of a human. [1/4 definitions]
quillback a North American freshwater fish in which one ray of the dorsal fin is elongated.
right whale any of several large whales lacking a dorsal fin, having a smooth throat, and having eyes set near the corners of the mouth.
rorqual any of a related group of whales, such as the blue whale, that have lengthwise grooves on the underside and a small, well-developed dorsal fin; finback.
sacrum in higher vertebrates, a bone that supports the dorsal wall of the pelvis, formed from the fusion of two or more basal vertebrae.
sailfish any of a group of large marine fishes that have a large sail-like dorsal fin and a swordlike projection of the upper jaw.
sauger a small North American freshwater fish with a spotted, bony dorsal fin.
tripletail any of several chiefly marine fishes having large, trailing dorsal and anal fins that resemble tails.