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ayah in India, a native nursemaid or maidservant, esp. for children or women.
babysit to watch over or supervise children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
babysitter a person who watches over or supervises children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
Binet-Simon scale a series of tests graded according to the mental abilities at different ages of the average population, esp. children, with which the abilities of the individual test-taker can be compared.
birth control control of the number and timing of children born, esp. through the use of contraceptive devices or drugs.
blindman's buff a game, usu. played by children, in which one blindfolded player tries to catch and identify one of several other players, who then puts on the blindfold.
blouse a garment worn on the upper body, usu. by women and children, and having a bodice and optional collar and sleeves. [1/4 definitions]
bob2 a style of short haircut, usu. for women and children. [1/5 definitions]
bogey man an imaginary, frightening man that supposedly carries away disobedient children; boogeyman.
boogeyman an imaginary, frightening man that supposedly carries away disobedient children.
brood (informal) the children belonging to one family. [1/7 definitions]
buggy1 (chiefly British) a light four-wheeled seat for transporting children that are too young to walk far; stroller. [1/3 definitions]
bumper car one of a number of miniature electric cars that are part of an amusement at a fair or carnival. People ride in the cars and try to bump into other cars or escape from being bumped. The cars are designed to be safe and enjoyable for the riders, most of whom are children.
busing in the United States, the transportation of school children in buses to schools that are not the nearest to their homes, esp. in order to achieve racial balance.
cambric tea a drink of hot water, milk, sugar, and a little tea, usu. given to children.
camp1 a place or program that provides recreational or instructional activities, and often overnight accommodations in a rustic setting, for children when they are on vacation from school. [1/9 definitions]
chicken pox a contagious viral disease, usu. of children, that produces fever and skin eruptions.
childbearing pertaining to the capacity or suitability of women for producing children. [1/2 definitions]
child care the practice, service, or business of caring for other people's children, esp. young children whose parents work outside the home.
child labor the full-time employment of children under a minimum age specified by law.
childproof made or arranged so as to be free from potential damage by children or from hazardous misuse by them. [2 definitions]