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Dictionary Suite
Bermuda Triangle an area of ocean associated with unsolved mysteries, whose perimeter is marked by an imaginary line that connects Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southern tip of Florida.
circumference the outer boundary of a circle or other curvilinear figure or area; perimeter. [1/2 definitions]
coronavirus a type of virus that causes a variety of diseases in humans and other animals ranging from the common cold to potentially fatal illnesses. A coronavirus is an RNA virus of the family Coronaviridae and is so-named because the outer perimeter of each round virus particle resemble a spiky crown similar in shape to the sun's corona. [1/2 definitions]
planimeter a device that measures the area of a plane figure by tracing around its entire perimeter.
radial a line passing from the center to the perimeter of a circle or from the center to the surface of a sphere; radius. [1/7 definitions]