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acetylcholine in biochemistry, the substance produced during nerve conduction that transmits nerve impulses across synapses and causes muscles to move. [1/2 definitions]
coenzyme in biochemistry, a small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.
cofactor in biochemistry, an ion or small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.
guanine in biochemistry, a purine constituent of nucleic acids.
ligand in biochemistry, a molecule that binds to a target biomolecule, usually a protein. [1/2 definitions]
lipid in biochemistry, any of several fats or fatlike substances that are important components of living cells.
-lytic in biochemistry, of or pertaining to a lysin. [1/2 definitions]
receptor in biochemistry, a protein that receives a chemical signal sent from another cell, and elicits a cellular response. [1/2 definitions]
substrate in biochemistry, a substance affected by enzyme activity. [1/2 definitions]