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Dictionary Suite
craft to fashion or create with foresight and skill of execution. [1/7 definitions]
divination intuitive or instinctive foresight or presentiment. [1/3 definitions]
foresee to make provision for the future; use foresight. [1/2 definitions]
long-headed having much foresight and wisdom; shrewd. [1/2 definitions]
myopic lacking foresight or being narrow-minded. [1/2 definitions]
precaution care or caution taken in advance; foresight. [1/2 definitions]
providence wise preparation for future events and needs; careful management; foresight; prudence. [1/3 definitions]
provident showing wisdom and foresight in providing for the future. [1/2 definitions]
shortsighted unable to evaluate future consequences of present actions; lacking foresight. [1/2 definitions]
shrewd displaying good judgment and foresight; cunning; astute.
thoughtless marked by lack of thought or foresight. [1/3 definitions]