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Dictionary Suite
basement the lowermost space in a building, usu. partly underground.
blowhole a vent for air or gases, as from an underground tunnel. [1/3 definitions]
bulb a plant bud that begins to grow underground. [1/3 definitions]
bunker in warfare, a partially underground fortification from which soldiers can fire weapons. [1/5 definitions]
burial the act or process of putting something underground, esp. a dead body.
cable railway a system of transportation in which enclosed passenger cars, pulled by a continuously moving underground cable, roll along rails.
catacomb (usu. pl.) an underground burial tunnel, lined by recesses for the tombs. [1/2 definitions]
cave an underground storage chamber, esp. a wine cellar. [1/4 definitions]
cave-in a collapse inward, as of the walls of an underground mine.
cellar a room or rooms wholly or partly underground and usu. beneath a building; basement. [1/4 definitions]
corm a thickened underground stem acting as a storage tissue and source of new leafy shoots, as in crocuses.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, esp. one beneath a church.
digger wasp any of various wasps that paralyze spiders and other prey with their stingers, then lay eggs on them in underground nests.
divining rod a forked stick used by dowsers to search for underground water; dowsing rod.
dowse to search with a divining rod for underground water or minerals.
dowser a person who uses a divining rod to search for underground water; water witch.
dungeon a jail or jail cell, esp. a dark, damp one underground.
earthnut any of various plants, such as the peanut or truffle, that bear edible underground tubers, enlarged roots, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
extravasate to cause (molten lava) to flow forth from an underground source. [2/4 definitions]
gallery an underground passageway, as in a mining system. [1/7 definitions]
groundnut any of several plants having edible underground nuts or tubers, such as the peanut.