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abnormal different from the normal or usual; not typical. (Cf. irregular.)
acronym a type of abbreviation used as a word and pronounced as a word. An acronym is formed by combining the initial letters (or initial parts) of a string of words. The pronunciation of an acronym is based on the typical rules of pronouncing words in a language and is not made up of the sounds of the names of individual letters. The abbreviations "AIDS," "FICA," and "PIN" are acronyms, but the abbreviations "FBI," ATM," and "DVD" are not.
aggravated of a crime, considered more serious or malicious than is typical for the type of crime, especially if the criminal act involves the use of a gun. [1/2 definitions]
all-American typical of the ideas, preferences, and traditions of most Americans. [2/5 definitions]
archaic having the features or characteristics typical of a much older time; antiquated. [1/3 definitions]
atypical not like others of the same type; not typical; unusual.
average usual or typical; not extreme. [2/9 definitions]
burnt of or concerning artists' paints that are deeper and either warmer or grayer in color than is typical. [1/2 definitions]
characteristic indicating the typical or distinguishing attributes and qualities of a person, group, action, or thing. [1/3 definitions]
childish typical of or appropriate for a child. [1/2 definitions]
classic representative or typical of a class or category; serving as a standard. [2/10 definitions]
clime in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof.
Cornish of, concerning, or typical of Cornwall, its people, or their ancient Celtic language. [1/2 definitions]
cross section a representative sample or selection of typical parts that reveals what the whole is like. [1/3 definitions]
deviate to stray from typical, predicted, or average behavior. [1/6 definitions]
deviation difference or divergence, as from a typical pattern, accepted social norms, political orthodoxy, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Doric of, pertaining to, designating, or characteristic of the earliest and simplest order of classical Greek architecture, later adapted by the Romans, esp. its typical fluted columns with simple capitals. [1/3 definitions]
exemplar a typical specimen; example. [1/4 definitions]
exemplary serving as a typical example. [1/4 definitions]
forehead the part of the human face above the eyes and below the typical hairline; brow. [1/2 definitions]
friendly of, relating to, or typical of a friend or a friendship. [1/5 definitions]