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ascot a wide scarf or necktie, tied so that one end lies flat on top of the other on the chest.
bow tie a short necktie tied in a bow.
cravat a necktie. [1/2 definitions]
foulard an item of clothing made of this fabric, such as a necktie or scarf. [1/2 definitions]
four-in-hand a necktie knotted in a slipknot, with the ends dangling and overlapping in front. [1/3 definitions]
stickpin a decorative straight pin worn to hold a necktie in place.
string tie a very narrow necktie, usu. tied in a bow.
tie a strip of cloth wrapped around the neck and tied in a knot in front; necktie. [1/15 definitions]
tie clasp a usu. ornamental clasp that holds the free ends of a necktie to the shirt front.
tiepin a straight pin with a decorative head and a holder for the point, used to secure the free ends of a necktie to each other or to the shirt front; stickpin.
tie tack a short straight pin with an ornamental head, used to hold the free ends of a necktie to a shirt front.
Windsor knot a form of slipknot used to tie a four-in-hand necktie, that results in a wide triangular knot.
Windsor tie a wide soft necktie, usu. of black silk, tied in a loose bow.