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Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has vastly diminished in volume of water and has divided into separate parts as a result of the diversion, for agricultural purposes, of the rivers that fed the lake. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry.
divertissement an amusement or entertainment; diversion. [1/2 definitions]
entertaining providing pleasant diversion; amusing.
entertainment something that provides pleasant diversion or amusement. [1/3 definitions]
excursion diversion from the topic at hand; digression. [1/3 definitions]
game something done for amusement; diversion; pastime. [1/9 definitions]
occupational therapy therapy consisting of work designed to provide mental diversion or a creative outlet, exercise to heal or correct a physical deficiency or injury, or training in vocational skills.
open-heart surgery surgery involving diversion of the blood so that the heart can be exposed and repaired.
relaxation diversion or recreation designed to refresh the body and mind. [1/4 definitions]
relief1 something acting as a pleasant diversion. [1/5 definitions]
riddle1 a puzzling, tricky, and often amusing question, usu. with an ingenious answer, posed as a diversion or as a test of one's wits. [1/4 definitions]
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.
shunt the act of moving or turning aside; shift, switch, or diversion. [1/10 definitions]