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bentonite either of two clays that are formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash, and that are very absorptive and capable of expanding to several times their normal volume.
caldera a large volcanic crater, esp. one whose diameter greatly exceeds that of the vent within it.
cinder (pl.) any of various residues of burning, such as ashes, slag, or volcanic lava. [1/4 definitions]
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, resulting from volcanic activity or the sudden release of tension along geologic fault lines.
lava molten rock erupting from a volcano or volcanic fissure. [1/2 definitions]
natural disaster a disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, or volcanic eruption, that is caused by natural rather than human forces and which destroys life and property.
Nevado del Ruiz a Colombian volcano that erupted in 1985 after having been dormant for 150 years, causing 23,000 deaths in what was the world's second most deadly volcanic eruption of the twentieth century.
nonvolcanic combined form of volcanic.
nuée ardente a thick volcanic cloud that explodes and pours down the sides of a volcano.
obsidian a dark, shiny volcanic glass, often used in jewelry, that fractures in a smooth, shell-like curve.
perlite a volcanic glass with distinctive concentric cracks, used in the manufacture of concrete and plaster, and thermal and acoustic insulation.
phenocryst a large and usu. conspicuous crystal embedded in volcanic rock containing many such crystals.
phonolite a fine-grained volcanic rock that rings when it is struck.
pitchstone a glassy rock of volcanic origin having the appearance of lustrous pitch.
plate a tectonic plate, any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. [1/10 definitions]
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
pyroclastic relating to or consisting of fragments of rock that were formed by volcanic or igneous activity.
rhyolite a fine-grained, volcanic rock that is similar to granite in composition and has a high silica content.
seismometer an instrument that measures movement of the ground, such as movement caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or explosion.
solfatara a volcanic fissure that gives off sulfurous vapors and steam.
tectonic plate any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions.