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abstract depicting reality not as it appears to the senses of most people but in the way that an individual interprets it or wishes to suggest it; nonrepresentational. [1/13 definitions]
accepting not hostile, disapproving, or judging in a negative way; welcoming. [1/2 definitions]
access a way of approaching or entering a place. [1/5 definitions]
actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating; not passively.
activity a specific way of occupying oneself. [1/4 definitions]
act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [1/3 definitions]
admirer a person who finds another person attractive or is interested in another person in a romantic way. [1/2 definitions]
advertising a particular way of creating and using advertisements to sell products or services, or such advertisements collectively. [1/2 definitions]
a far cry a long way; quite different.
against in the opposite direction, or in a way that is contrary to. [1/5 definitions]
airmail by way of air. [1/5 definitions]
altruist a person who feels unselfish concern for the well-being of others and acts upon this concern in some way.
amply in an ample way; abundantly; fully.
angle1 in journalism, the particular way in which an article is slanted, as for a specific audience. [1/10 definitions]
anomaly something that differs in this way. [1/2 definitions]
anyhow in any way at all. [1/3 definitions]
anywise in any way, shape, or manner.
apish imitative in a slavish or foolish way. [1/2 definitions]
appearance the way in which someone is dressed or groomed. [1/4 definitions]
appliqué work decorated in this way. [1/4 definitions]
apportionment the act of distributing in such a way. [1/2 definitions]