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as a matter of fact actually; in fact (often used when the information that follows will be surprising to the listener or a rejection of what was said previously.)
azathioprine an immunosuppressive that is administered in transplant surgery to prevent rejection of the new organ.
beatnik a person whose values, self-expression, and dress reflect a rejection of conventional norms of thought and behavior; hippie. [1/2 definitions]
brush-off (informal) an abrupt dismissal or rejection.
dada (sometimes cap.) a primarily European literary and artistic period of the early twentieth century characterized by cynicism, anarchy, and a rejection of convention.
defiantly in a manner that shows a strong rejection of an idea or authority or an unwillingness to obey.
dissent rejection of the doctrine or authority of an established church; separation or noncomformity. [1/3 definitions]
go on used as a good-natured rejection of excess flattery, exaggeration, or teasing. [1/6 definitions]
heresy a religious belief or doctrine not in keeping with the established doctrine of a church, esp. the rejection of or dissent from any aspect of Roman Catholic Church dogma by a baptized church member. [1/3 definitions]
hippie someone, esp. of the late 1960s, who rejects the established values of contemporary society, and who demonstrates that rejection through unconventional dress and behavior, and by advocating pacifism and communal living. (See flower child.)
nay no (used to express disagreement, denial, or rejection, as in a vote). [1/2 definitions]
on the rebound (informal) done while still recovering from a divorce, rejection, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ostracism an exclusion or rejection, as from a social group. [1/2 definitions]
phooey used to express rejection, contempt, or disgust.
rebuff an abrupt rejection or refusal to an advance or other social overture; snub. [1/3 definitions]
repulse a cold or rude rejection; rebuff. [1/4 definitions]
rogation in ancient Rome, a law proposed by a tribune or consul for acceptance or rejection by the people. [1/2 definitions]
spurn a scornful rejection or contemptuous treatment. [1/3 definitions]
turndown a rejection or refusal. [1/2 definitions]
veto a vote against or rejection of a proposal or enactment that prevents it from taking effect. [1/5 definitions]