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amusing producing laughter; funny. [1/2 definitions]
belly laugh something that provokes jovial laughter. [1/2 definitions]
break up (informal) to cause laughter in (someone). [2/10 definitions]
cackle sharp, broken laughter. [1/5 definitions]
convulse to cause to shake heavily and uncontrollably, as with laughter, pain, or fear. [1/3 definitions]
convulsion a fit of shaking, as from laughter or fear. [1/3 definitions]
crack up (informal) to break into uncontrollable laughter. [1/2 definitions]
fall apart to be suddenly overcome with laughter or strong emotion such as grief. [1/4 definitions]
funny provoking amusement or laughter. [1/4 definitions]
guffaw a burst of loud or boisterous laughter. [2 definitions]
gusty occurring in gusts, as the wind or laughter. [1/2 definitions]
howl a hearty or derisive laugh, or something that causes such laughter. [1/8 definitions]
humor a quality that evokes laughter or amusement. [1/5 definitions]
humorous displaying a sense of humor, especially one that brings about laughter in other people. [1/2 definitions]
hysteria in an individual or group, an uncontrollable outburst of fear or other emotions, producing fits of weeping, laughter, irrational behavior, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
hysteric (usu. pl.; used with a sing. or pl. verb) an outburst of uncontrollable sobbing or laughter. [1/4 definitions]
hysterical causing uncontrollable laughter; wildly funny. [1/3 definitions]
joke a short fictional story told to provoke laughter, esp. in reaction to the ending. [2/7 definitions]
joker someone who frequently tells jokes or acts so as to provoke laughter; jokester. [1/4 definitions]
laugh to make a sound or sounds resembling laughter. [1/6 definitions]
laughable exciting laughter or derision.