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abeam at right angles to a line passing from the front to the back of a ship.
adjacent angles two angles that have a common vertex and one common side.
alternate angles a pair of nonadjacent angles that are formed on opposite sides of a line where it crosses two others transversely.
angle of incidence the angle that the line of movement of a body or of radiation, meeting a surface, makes with a line that is at right angles to the surface at the point of meeting.
angular consisting of, having, or forming one or more angles. [1/3 definitions]
angulation the measurement of angles. [1/3 definitions]
backscatter the deflection, by electromagnetic or nuclear forces, of moving waves or particles away from their original direction at angles greater than ninety degrees.
bevel an instrument with an adjustable arm used for drawing angles or setting a surface at an angle. [1/3 definitions]
biangular having two angles.
changeable changing in color or appearance, esp. when viewed from different angles, such as some silk; iridescent. [1/2 definitions]
cinematographer in a film crew, the main camera operator, who is responsible for lighting, camera angles, and the like.
complementary angles two angles whose sum totals ninety degrees.
conformal of, pertaining to, or designating a map, or other depiction of one surface on another, that retains the same angles between all intersecting curves.
cosine in trigonometry, the ratio between the length of the side next to one of the acute angles in a right triangle and the length of the hypotenuse.
crank a mechanical device for applying rotary motion, consisting of a lever arm or disk attached at right angles to the end of a rotating shaft and turned by hand or connecting rod. [1/6 definitions]
cross hairs the two fine hairs, wires, or the like, one vertical and the other horizontal, that cross at right angles in an optical instrument such as a gunsight and that aid the viewer in aiming or focusing accurately.
cross section a planar view exposed by cutting through an object, usu. at right angles to its longitudinal axis. [1/3 definitions]
diamond a geometric shape with four equal straight sides, two equal, opposed acute angles, and two equal, opposed obtuse angles. [1/7 definitions]
disk harrow a farming implement having sharp circular blades set at various angles to breakup plowed soil before planting.
dodecagon a two-dimensional geometric figure with twelve angles and twelve sides.
double-jointed having joints that will bend freely and at unusual angles.