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anti-inflation combined form of inflation.
bracket creep (informal) an increase in income leading to one's placement in a higher tax bracket, sometimes resulting in a net decrease in income as a result of higher tax rates and inflation.
Bureau of Labor Statistics a research agency of the U.S. Department of Labor that collects and compiles statistical information, providing such measures as Consumer Price Index, inflation rate, and unemployment rate.
counterinflation combined form of inflation.
disinflation a slowing of the rate of inflation. [1/2 definitions]
double-digit of, pertaining to, or denoting a rate greater than ten and less than one hundred percent, esp. used to describe a high inflation rate.
inflationary of, pertaining to, or causing economic inflation.
inflationist one who advocates inflation through the expansion of the money supply. [2 definitions]
overinflation combined form of inflation.
price control a government's setting of limits on the prices of basic goods and services, usu. done as a means to fight inflation.
reinflation combined form of inflation.
self-inflation combined form of inflation.
stagflation an economic condition marked by a high rate of inflation together with a decline in business activity and an increase in unemployment.
swell to increase in volume by inflation, absorption, internal pressure, growth, or the like; expand; distend. [2/19 definitions]
swollen enlarged by or as if by inflation, internal pressure, growth, or the like; bulging; distended. [1/2 definitions]