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blackhead a malignant, infectious, and often fatal disease of the liver and intestines of domestic and wild fowl. [1/3 definitions]
chick a newly hatched or immature bird or fowl, esp. a chicken. [1/3 definitions]
chicken the common farm fowl, kept for its meat and eggs. [1/4 definitions]
chicken hawk any of various hawks that prey or are thought to prey on barnyard fowl, esp. chickens.
cochin one of a large Asiatic breed of domestic fowl with thickly feathered legs.
cock1 the adult male of a chicken or other fowl; rooster. [1/8 definitions]
comb the fleshy crest on the head of some domesticated fowl and other birds, most prominent on the male, such as the rooster. [1/9 definitions]
dress to prepare (an animal, esp. fowl) for cooking. [1/11 definitions]
drumstick the lower leg of a fowl, considered as food. [1/2 definitions]
guinea hen a female guinea fowl. [2 definitions]
hock1 the analogous joint on the leg of a chicken, turkey, or other domestic fowl. [1/4 definitions]
pip2 an infectious disease of fowl and other birds that causes an accumulation of mucus in the throat.
poult any young fowl, esp. a turkey.
prairie chicken either of two henlike grouse of the North American prairies that have reddish, brownish, black, and white feathers; prairie hen; prairie fowl.
roaster a fowl or other animal esp. suitable for roasting. [1/3 definitions]
roost a perch on which birds, esp. domesticated fowl, rest or sleep, or a place or enclosure provided with such perches. [1/3 definitions]
rooster an adult male chicken or other fowl; cock.
salmi a dish consisting of partially roasted game fowl, such as pheasant, that is stewed in wine, butter, and spices.
stuffing that which is or can be stuffed, esp. the fillings used to stuff fowl or the fillings and padding used in upholstery and bedding. [1/2 definitions]
tinamou any of various birds of Central and South America that resemble certain domestic and wild fowl such as the chicken or quail.
wishbone a forked bone found in front of the breastbone of most birds, formed by the fusion of the clavicles, and sometimes used, when taken from a cooked fowl, to make wishes over.