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Dictionary Suite
advance man an agent or aide who takes care of publicity, security, and other arrangements in advance of the appearance of a politician, theater group, or the like.
ballyhoo exaggerated, noisy, insistent advertising or publicity. [1/2 definitions]
billing advertising, publicity, or reputation. [1/3 definitions]
fanfare activity carried out with similar flourish and showiness, esp. for publicity or promotional purposes. [1/2 definitions]
flier a printed sheet to be handed out or mailed for advertising or publicity; handbill. [1/4 definitions]
hullabaloo a widespread excitement, uproar, or publicity. [1/2 definitions]
media event a public event that is deliberately staged in order to gain publicity from the news media.
press agent one whose business is to promote a person or organization by arranging advertising and publicity in the news media.
pressure group any special-interest group that tries to influence government officials and legislation through publicity, lobbying, or the like.
promoter one who organizes financing and publicity for a business venture or company. [1/2 definitions]
promotion materials or methods used for advertising; publicity. [1/4 definitions]
publicist a person such as a publicity agent who is in the business of bringing information to public attention.
skywriting the designs or words thus produced, usu. for advertising or publicity. [1/2 definitions]