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Beelzebub according to the New Testament, the chief devil; Satan.
devil (often cap.) in Christian theology, the chief spirit of evil, master of Hell, and enemy of God; Satan (prec. by "the"). [2/8 definitions]
Gog and Magog according to the Book of Revelation of the New Testament, the two nations, personified, that Satan is to lead in battle against the kingdom of God at Armageddon.
Lucifer in Christian theology, the rebellious archangel who was cast out of heaven by God; Satan.
Old Nick the devil; Satan.
Prince of Darkness Satan.
revelation (cap.) the final book of the Christian Bible, which prophesies the end of the world and God's victory over Satan; the Apocalypse. [1/4 definitions]
satanic relating to or characteristic of Satan. [1/2 definitions]
Satanism the worship of Satan, esp. in a cult whose rituals distort and mock Christian worship.
tempter (cap.) the devil; Satan (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
witch hunt a hunt for and punishment of those alleged to be witches, warlocks, or disciples of Satan. [1/3 definitions]