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a far cry a long way; quite different.
almost not quite all; nearly.
approximate quite similar. [2/6 definitions]
aweigh in nautical terminology, not quite touching the bottom of a body of water (used of an anchor).
ball-and-socket joint a skeletal joint in which the ball-shaped end of a bone, often part of a limb, fits into and rotates quite freely within the hollow, spherical socket of another bone. [1/2 definitions]
borderline not quite fitting into a well-defined category; doubtful. [1/2 definitions]
clubman a man who is a member of a club at which he spends much time or in which he is quite active.
comfortable quite sufficient to one's needs; somewhat more than adequate. [1/3 definitions]
considerably to a quite large degree or extent.
contiguous near, but not quite touching. [1/2 definitions]
cool (informal) quite acceptable, decent, fair-minded, or admirable. [1/15 definitions]
enough quite; fully. [1/6 definitions]
get across to become quite clear or understood. [1/2 definitions]
in all probability very likely; quite probably.
likely probable; quite possible. [1/4 definitions]
message a communication of usu. quite specific information by speech, writing, symbols, or other means. [1/7 definitions]
nearly just about but not quite; almost. [1/2 definitions]
plenty (informal) quite. [1/4 definitions]
pretty considerably; quite. [1/5 definitions]
probably quite likely; almost certainly.
single-foot the fast pace of a horse in which the legs move in pairs at each side but not quite at the same time; rack. [1/2 definitions]