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Dictionary Suite
blind spot a small area in the eye, where the optic nerve enters the retina, that is insensitive to light. [1/4 definitions]
colonoscopy examination of the colon with a flexible, fiber-optic instrument inserted into the rectum.
cranial nerve any of the twelve paired nerves, such as the optic and auditory nerves, that extend from the stem of the brain through openings in the skull.
endoscopic of or relating to the use of a flexible fiber-optic instrument to examine an inner part of the body.
lightwave of or pertaining to fiber-optic communication equipment.
optical of or concerning the science of sight and the properties of light; optic. [1/5 definitions]
photoreceptor a cell on a sense organ or nerve, such as the eye or the optic nerve, that detects light, or the organ or nerve itself.
retina the light-sensitive lining at the back of the inner eyeball that receives images and transfers them to the optic nerve.
retinitis pigmentosa an inherited, incurable disease of the eye in which the retina and optic nerve gradually deteriorate, resulting in total blindness.