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anaesthesia variant of anesthesia.
anesthetic a drug that causes anesthesia in the whole body or in a localized area. [2 definitions]
ethylene a colorless, flammable organic gas used in coloring citrus fruit, making organic synthetics, and anesthesia.
groggy dazed, confused, or off-balance as a result of a blow or fall, anesthesia, or the like.
leprosy a progressive disease caused by bacterial infection that affects skin and nerves and produces ulcerations, swelling, spreading anesthesia, and loss of fingers and toes.
natural childbirth childbirth undergone without anesthesia or surgical aid, in preparation for which the expectant mother has often received instruction in the management of pain through breathing and relaxation exercises.
put out (informal) to make (someone) unconscious with the use of anesthesia. [1/11 definitions]
recovery room a specially equipped and staffed hospital room where patients recovering from anesthesia after surgery can be closely monitored.
saddle block anesthesia a method of spinal anesthesia, often used during childbirth, that produces numbness in the perineal area.
spinal anesthesia partial or complete anesthesia produced by injecting an anesthetic directly into the spinal cord.