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accumulative characterized by or resulting from accumulation; cumulative. [1/2 definitions]
backup an accumulation or overflow caused by a blockage. [1/4 definitions]
buildup the act, instance, or process of increasing in amount, number, or strength; accumulation; increase; growth. [1/3 definitions]
calculus an abnormal stonelike accumulation of mineral salts in an organ of the body, such as a kidney stone. [1/2 definitions]
congest in pathology, to cause an excessive accumulation of blood in (an organ or vessel). [1/3 definitions]
congestion in pathology, an excessive accumulation of blood in an organ or vessel. [1/3 definitions]
conspicuous consumption the accumulation of expensive goods and property in order to impress others.
debris in geology, an accumulation of broken pieces of rock. [1/2 definitions]
edema an abnormal accumulation of watery fluid in tissues or cavities of the body.
flatulent pertaining to, caused by, or suffering from an accumulation of gas in the digestive tract. [1/3 definitions]
glacier a very large accumulation of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and moving very slowly outward or downward on a slope.
gout a painful disorder characterized by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. [1/2 definitions]
ketosis the excessive accumulation of ketones in the body.
lymphedema swelling and fluid accumulation in soft tissue that most commonly results from cancer treatment or parasitic infection but may also result from a genetic condition.
money-grubber (informal) one who actively desires and pursues the accumulation of as much money as possible.
pile1 an accumulation of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [1/7 definitions]
pileup any unwanted or unplanned accumulation. [1/2 definitions]
pip2 an infectious disease of fowl and other birds that causes an accumulation of mucus in the throat.
placer1 a naturally occurring accumulation of sand, gravel, or the like that contains precious metals or minerals. [2 definitions]
pneumothorax an abnormal accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, which can cause the lung to collapse.
scrap1 an accumulation of discarded materials, esp. of metal, that might be salvaged or reprocessed. [1/6 definitions]