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bait-and-switch a sales tactic in which a seller attracts customers by advertising at a bargain price one item that is often out of stock, and then diverts their attention by encouraging them to buy another item at a higher price. [1/2 definitions]
barker1 a person who stands at the entrance to a carnival, show, or the like, loudly encouraging people to buy tickets to enter. [1/2 definitions]
call-in encouraging listeners or viewers to telephone and talk with a radio or television host. [1/2 definitions]
cheerleading the activity of encouraging spectators to cheer for a sports team during a competitive event using special yells and chants in addition to performing strenuous athletic feats of tumbling and gymnastics to bolster spectators' enthusiasm.
dollar diplomacy a U.S. government policy of promoting national interests by encouraging investment abroad, or of using governmental power or influence to protect and promote such private investment. [1/2 definitions]
encouragement the act of encouraging or condition of being encouraged. [1/2 definitions]
exhort to give advice or admonition in an urgent but encouraging manner. [1/2 definitions]
fomentation the act of instigating or encouraging the development of discord, discontent, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
footsie the act of flirting, or of encouraging a close, mutually beneficial, and usu. secret relationship. [1/2 definitions]
Freemason a member of an international fraternal society that has as its aim the encouraging of mutual aid, brotherly love, and charitable acts. [1/2 definitions]
nurture the act or process of encouraging and promoting growth, development, or education. [1/6 definitions]
roseate optimistic, favorable, or encouraging. [1/2 definitions]
suggestive rich in implications; encouraging further thought. [1/4 definitions]
unencouraging combined form of encouraging.