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acute accent a diacritical mark (´), placed over a vowel to indicate length or high pitch, or to indicate primary stress of a syllable. (Cf. grave accent.)
breve a diacritical mark ( ˇ ), placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is short. [1/2 definitions]
cedilla a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c".
diacritic a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced; diacritical mark.
grave accent a diacritical mark (à), placed over a vowel to indicate length or low pitch, or to indicate secondary stress of a syllable. (Cf. acute accent.)
macron a diacritical mark ( - ), placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is long.
self-pronouncing having the pronunciation indicated with accent marks, diacritical marks, or the like on the original spelling rather than using phonetic symbols.
tilde a diacritical mark (ñ), placed over an "n" in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound, or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization.
umlaut a diacritical mark, such as on this letter "o" (ö), placed over a vowel to indicate umlaut, esp. in German. [1/3 definitions]