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apocrypha (cap.) a group of fourteen books of the Old Testament that are rejected by Judaism, and considered by Protestants as uncanonical, eleven of which are accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. [1/2 definitions]
Bible the principal sacred writings of Judaism, comprising the Old Testament, and of Christianity, comprising both the Old and New Testaments. [2/3 definitions]
cabala a mystical system of scriptural interpretation that originated in Judaism and was conveyed throughout medieval Europe. [1/2 definitions]
darshan in Judaism, a teacher of the Talmud and other religious texts at a synagogue. [1/2 definitions]
heathen someone who is regarded as being outside a given religious orthodoxy, esp. one not converted to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam; unconverted person. [1/5 definitions]
high priest a priestly leader, esp. of ancient Judaism. [1/2 definitions]
Holy Ark in Judaism, a cabinet or enclosure in a synagogue, where the scrolls of the Torah are kept.
Jew a person whose religion is Judaism, or who adheres to the culture derived from Judaism. [1/2 definitions]
Judaic of or pertaining to Judaism or the Jews.
Marrano any of the Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity during the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal, but who often remained secret adherents of Judaism.
mohel (Hebrew) in Judaism, one who performs the circumcision of a male child.
Old Testament the covenant between God and man, made with Abraham and his descendants, that is the basis of Judaism. [1/2 definitions]
orthodox (cap.) of, concerning, or designating the Eastern Christian churches, such as the Greek or Russian Orthodox churches, or Orthodox Judaism or Jews. [1/4 definitions]
paschal lamb in ancient Judaism, a lamb eaten at the feast of the Passover. [1/2 definitions]
rabbi in Judaism, a cleric having the responsibilities of leading a local congregation, teaching, and supervising rituals such as weddings. [1/3 definitions]
Reconstructionism a twentieth-century U.S. Jewish movement that stresses the cultural continuity of Judaism as a religion, and that encourages adaptation of religious observances to contemporary needs.
Satan in Christian theology and Judaism, the embodiment of evil, adversary of humans, and rival of God, usu. identified with the fallen angel Lucifer; the Devil.
scribe1 in Judaism, one of the ancient scholars who transcribed the sacred books and wrote interpretations of their teachings. [1/3 definitions]
Seder in Judaism, a ritual meal at the beginning of Passover that commemorates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
shiva in Judaism, the seven-day mourning period during which friends can visit those who are bereaved by the death of a loved one.
Star of David a six-sided star composed of two interlaced equilateral triangles, long symbolic of Judaism and now the official symbol of the state of Israel.