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ancestry the origin or evolution of an object, idea, or style. [1/3 definitions]
antievolution combined form of evolution.
ape-man an extinct primate representing the transitional point in evolution between apes and modern man. (Cf. missing link.)
arithmetic the simplest form of mathematics consisting of the theory and computation of whole numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, evolution, and involution. [1/3 definitions]
biodiversity the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution.
Charles Darwin an English naturalist and writer who developed theories of biological evolution (b.1809--d.1882).
coevolution a process in which two or more interacting species influence each other's evolution, as in the case of pollinators and flowers.
cosmogony the study or a theory of the beginnings, structure, and evolution of the universe.
creation science a form of creationism that opposes the scientific theory of evolution, holding that the origin of the universe as related in the Bible can be proved scientifically.
degeneration lessening or cessation of an organ's function in the course of evolution. [1/4 definitions]
élan vital in the philosophy of Henri Bergson, the vital force within living things that causes growth, the development of form, and evolution.
evolutionary of or pertaining to evolution or the theory of evolution.
evolutionist one who supports the theory of evolution.
genetics (used with a sing. verb) the science of heredity, esp. of the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of organisms. [1/2 definitions]
hominize to advance the development or evolution of (humanity). [1/2 definitions]
morphology in geology, the study of the configuration and evolution of land forms. [1/4 definitions]
natural selection a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are weak leave fewer or no offspring. (See survival of the fittest).
Neo-Darwinism a theory of evolution that denies the inheritance of acquired characteristics and asserts that natural selection determines evolution.
phylogeny the evolution or historical development of a plant or animal species or a human tribe or similar group. (Cf. ontogeny.)
stratigraphy the study of the origin, composition, and evolution of rock strata.
throwback an instance of reversion to an earlier stage, form, or the like, esp. in biological evolution. [1/2 definitions]