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baize a woolen cloth similar to felt, usu. green and mainly used to cover billiard tables.
bluebonnet a broad blue woolen hat, formerly worn in Scotland. [1/3 definitions]
Cheviot (l.c.) a woolen fabric of a coarse twill weave, usu. used for coats and suits. [1/2 definitions]
chinchilla a heavy, napped, woolen fabric. [1/4 definitions]
duffel a heavy woolen cloth with a thick nap. [1/2 definitions]
fuller's earth a very absorbent clay used esp. in fulling woolen cloth and also as a filter, dusting powder, catalyst, and the like.
Harris Tweed trademark for a hand-woven woolen tweed made in the Outer Hebrides islands of Scotland.
homespun a plain, usu. woolen cloth made at home or of yarn spun at home. [1/4 definitions]
kersey a coarse, heavy, often ribbed woolen fabric, formerly used for hosiery and work clothes. [1/2 definitions]
loden a thick, fulled, waterproof woolen fabric, usu. olive green and used for coats.
pallium a white, woolen band worn across the shoulders by the pope, and sometimes by archbishops and bishops. [1/3 definitions]
swansdown a thick soft woolen fabric with a fine weave. [1/2 definitions]
tartan1 woolen plaid cloth woven in a design of straight lines of varying widths and different colors that cross at right angles, worn esp. by clans of Scottish Highlanders. [1/3 definitions]
tweed a coarse, rugged woolen cloth woven in a twill pattern, used esp. for coats and suits. [1/2 definitions]
wool made wholly or partly of wool; woolen. [1/5 definitions]
woolly (usu. pl.; informal) woolen or other heavy undergarments. [1/5 definitions]