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ambassador a high-ranking official sent by one nation to another either to carry out a specific diplomatic mission or to serve in residence there. [1/3 definitions]
automate to control or carry out using mechanical or electronic devices. [1/3 definitions]
be going to used as an auxiliary verb to express a plan or intention to carry out some action, or to express a prediction of what seems likely to occur based on certain evidence.
chemistry lab in a school, a place where students studying chemistry can observe chemical reactions and carry out small experiments.
cinch (informal) something sure to happen, or someone sure to carry out an expectation. [1/6 definitions]
circuit the area or region covered in a regular tour to carry out certain duties, as by a judge to hold court sessions. [1/8 definitions]
clean to carry out or undergo a cleaning. [1/12 definitions]
click in computing, to press and release the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as positioning the cursor or selecting a program icon (often followed by "on"). [1/8 definitions]
conduct to do or carry out. [1/10 definitions]
contraindication in medicine, a factor or condition that makes it inadvisable to carry out a particular treatment or procedure.
Corp. abbreviation of "Corporation," an association of persons recognized by law and authorized to carry out certain functions with powers independent of the individual members (used in a proper name).
corporation an association of persons recognized by law and authorized to carry out certain functions with powers independent of the individual members. [1/2 definitions]
dash to do or carry out hastily (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/12 definitions]
death warrant an official authorization to carry out execution of a death sentence. [1/2 definitions]
decorate to design and carry out a plan for the appearance of the interior of (a room or building), including color combinations, furnishings, floorings, and the like. [2/5 definitions]
discharge to perform (a duty) or carry out (an obligation or responsibility). [1/17 definitions]
distill to carry out or be subjected to the process of vaporization followed by condensation. [1/5 definitions]
divide in mathematics, to carry out a calculation on (a number) to determine how many times that number contains another. [1/8 definitions]
do1 to complete or carry out to completion; perform. [2/13 definitions]
drill1 a call to carry out a series of actions designed for use in emergencies in order to practice these actions and be fully prepared to carry them out in a real emergency. [1/13 definitions]
execute to carry out or make real; do; accomplish. [2/4 definitions]