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bake to harden by exposing to heat. [1/5 definitions]
cement any of various powdered mixtures of clay and limestone that harden into a solid with the addition of water, used as a construction material. [2/6 definitions]
hardened past participle of harden. [1/4 definitions]
indurate to make hard in texture; harden. [2/6 definitions]
mold1 a hollow form used to give a particular shape to a soft or molten substance that is poured into it and allowed to harden. [1/10 definitions]
ossify to harden into or like bone. [1/4 definitions]
pelletize to treat (pulverized ore or coal) with additives, roll into aggregates, and harden by baking into pellets.
plaster of Paris any of several white gypsum powders that form a paste and harden quickly when added to water, and are used for making casts, molds, and sculpture.
self-hardening of or relating to substances, such as some glues, that require no special treatment or processing to harden.
temper to strengthen or harden (steel, cast iron, or the like), as by heating and then cooling. [1/11 definitions]
thermosetting denoting materials that harden and set permanently under heat, such as certain resins.
vanadium steel a steel alloy that contains vanadium to harden and strengthen it.