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Dictionary Suite
aberration an imperfection in an optical lens, or the blurring caused by such an imperfection. [1/3 definitions]
cleanup a process of making thoroughly clean, socially acceptable, or free from imperfection.
defect a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [1/3 definitions]
defective having a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [1/2 definitions]
dislocation an imperfection in the atomic structure of a crystal. [1/2 definitions]
flaw1 a defect or fault; imperfection. [1/5 definitions]
inspect to look at very carefully, esp. to assess any damage or imperfection. [1/2 definitions]
irregular a piece of merchandise that has an imperfection or is below standard. [1/10 definitions]
kink a small problem or imperfection that prevents something from working well. [1/5 definitions]
slub a nubby irregularity in yarn that either is an imperfection or is purposely set. [1/3 definitions]
wart an imperfection or unfavorable aspect of a person or thing. [1/3 definitions]