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broadloom of or pertaining to carpets or rugs woven on a loom wider than four and a half feet. [2 definitions]
domineer to tower or loom over or above. [1/3 definitions]
harness the frame on a loom used to raise and lower the warp threads. [1/5 definitions]
hulk to appear as a large mass; loom. [1/3 definitions]
Jacquard a loom used for weaving elaborate designs; Jacquard loom. [2 definitions]
loom1 to weave (fabric) on a loom. [1/2 definitions]
shuttle a moving part in a loom that carries the woof back and forth through the warp. [1/7 definitions]
temple3 a device that keeps cloth stretched properly on the loom during weaving.
thrum2 the remainder of a warp thread left on the loom after the woven fabric has been cut off. [1/3 definitions]
warp the first threads positioned on a loom, which form the lengthwise threads in a woven fabric. (Cf. filling, weft, woof.) [1/10 definitions]
Wilton a carpet woven on a Jacquard loom, having a velvety surface made by the cut loops of its pile.