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Dictionary Suite
creamery a place such as a farm dairy, processing plant, or business establishment where dairy products are processed or sold.
dairy a farm chiefly devoted to milk production; dairy farm. [1/4 definitions]
dairy case a large, refrigerated container used for holding and displaying dairy products in a store.
dairying the business of a dairy.
dairymaid a female worker on a dairy farm, esp. one who milks the cows; milkmaid.
dairyman a male owner, manager, or employee of a dairy.
dairywoman a female owner, manager, or employee of a dairy.
Dutch Belted one of a breed of dairy cattle that have a band of white around the body.
food group any group of foods organized by nutritional properties, esp. one incorporated into the food pyramid, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, fats, dairy, or protein.
Guernsey one of a breed of dairy cattle, originally developed on this island, that have light brown coats with white markings. [1/2 definitions]
Holstein any of a black-and-white breed of dairy cow originating in northern Holland. [1/2 definitions]
jersey (cap.) a dairy cow of a tan-coated breed developed for rich milk. [1/3 definitions]
milkmaid a girl or woman who milks cows or works on a dairy farm.
milkshed the dairy farm areas that supply a city with milk.
nondairy made without or containing no dairy products
probiotic beneficial microorganisms found in certain dietary supplements and food products, esp. dairy products such as yogurt. [1/2 definitions]
rBGH abbreviation of recombinant bovine growth hormone, a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase their milk production.
shorthorn one of a breed of beef or dairy cattle having short curved horns.
vegan one who abstains completely from the consumption of animal products, including meat, dairy products, and eggs. [1/3 definitions]
vitamin A either of two, or a mixture of two, hydrocarbon compounds found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, required in human nutrition for producing the vision pigments of the eye and for maintaining the membranes of the body.