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diagnoseable combined form of diagnose.
EKG abbreviation of "electrocardiogram," the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction.
electrocardiogram the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction; EKG; ECG; cardiogram.
electrocardiograph a galvanometer that detects and makes a graphic record of electric activity in the heart muscles, used to detect and diagnose heart disease or malfunction.
explore in medicine, to investigate, esp. by surgery, in order to diagnose. [1/4 definitions]
test1 to administer a test or examination in order to diagnose, evaluate, or discover the presence of something (fol. by "for"). [1/7 definitions]
tuberculin a sterile liquid containing a substance derived from a culture of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, used to diagnose and treat that disease.