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Aldebaran an orange binary star in the constellation Taurus, having a combined magnitude of 0.9.
Algol an eclipsing binary star in the constellation Perseus, having a magnitude that varies between 2.3 and 3.4.
Alpha Centauri a double star in the constellation Centaurus, the closest star to the solar system, having a combined magnitude of -0.3.
Altair the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, having a magnitude of 0.8.
Andromeda an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Pegasus, with which it shares the bright triple star Alpheratz, and containing a spiral galaxy. [1/2 definitions]
Antares a red binary star in the constellation Scorpius, having a combined magnitude of 1.0.
Aquarius an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Capricornus and Pisces; Water Bearer. [1/3 definitions]
Aquila a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Lyra and Capricornus and the bright star Altair; Eagle.
archer (cap.) the constellation or astrological sign of Sagittarius. [1/2 definitions]
Arcturus an orange star in the constellation Boötes, having a magnitude of zero.
Aries an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Pisces and Taurus; Ram. [1/3 definitions]
Auriga a winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Gemini and containing the bright triple star Capella and several star clusters; Charioteer.
Betelgeuse a red variable star in the constellation Orion, having a magnitude of 0.7.
Big Dipper part of the constellation Ursa Major, made up of its seven brightest stars and forming the shape of a ladle, or dipper.
Boötes a spring constellation in the northern sky, located between Corona Borealis and Virgo and containing the bright, orange star Arcturus; Herdsman.
bull1 (cap.) the constellation or astrological sign of Taurus. [1/9 definitions]
cancer (cap.) a spring zodiacal constellation located between Gemini and Leo; Crab. [1/5 definitions]
Canis Major a winter constellation in the northern sky, located below Monoceros and containing the brightest of all stars, Sirius; Big Dog.
Canis Minor a winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Monoceros and Gemini and containing the bright star Procyon; Little Dog.
Capella a yellow triple star in the constellation Auriga, having a magnitude of 0.1.
Capricornus an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Sagittarius and Aquarius; Goat.