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artificial respiration the resumption or continuation of a person's breathing, as by forcing air into and out of the person's lungs.
continuance the act of continuing; continuation. [1/4 definitions]
dead end a point beyond which there is no hope of continuation; impasse. [1/2 definitions]
encore once more; again (as a call by an audience for a continuation of a performance). [2/3 definitions]
forward in continuation. [1/13 definitions]
over in continuation. [1/29 definitions]
perseveration the pathological continuation or repetition of an action, gesture, or expression, such as a word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
persistence the continuation of an effect after the removal of its cause. [1/3 definitions]
proceeding an action, course of action, or continuation of an action. [1/4 definitions]
reverberation the continuation of a sound after the source of the sound has been cut off. [1/2 definitions]
Tory during the American Revolution, an American who favored the continuation of colonial rule by the British or who favored the establishment of a monarchy. [1/4 definitions]