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Agnus Dei a prayer in the Roman Catholic or Anglican church beginning with these words, or the accompanying music. [1/2 definitions]
Anglo- Anglican, or of the Church of England. [1/2 definitions]
biretta in the Roman Catholic and some Anglican churches, a stiff, square cap with three or four raised ridges, worn by clergymen and varying in color according to their rank.
Book of Common Prayer the official book of services and prayers in the Anglican Church.
Broad Church of or pertaining to a liberal party in the Anglican Church that advocates a broad interpretation of rituals and traditions. (Cf. High Church, Low Church.)
churchwarden in the Anglican Church, a lay officer who manages the secular or legal affairs of the church. [1/3 definitions]
collegiate church a Catholic or Anglican church that has no bishop's see but is presided over by a vice provost or dean and served by a chapter of canons. [1/2 definitions]
dissenter (often cap.) one who is in dissent from the Anglican Church. [1/2 definitions]
evensong (usu. cap.) a Roman Catholic or Anglican Church worship service of prayer or song, held in the evening. [1/3 definitions]
High Church of or pertaining to a conservative party in the Anglican Church that advocates retaining many features of Catholic worship. (Cf. Broad Church, Low Church.)
introit a psalm or hymn sung at the beginning of various services in other churches, esp. the Anglican Church. [1/2 definitions]
Low Church of or pertaining to a liberal party within the Anglican Church emphasizing evangelicalism over tradition and ritual. (Cf. High Church, Broad Church.)
matins (often cap.) in the Anglican Church, the prayer service held in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
vestry in the Anglican and Episcopal churches, a lay committee that manages the temporal affairs of the church, or a meeting of this committee or of the congregation. [1/3 definitions]
vicar in the Anglican Church, a parish priest who receives a salary but not the tithes of the parish, or who acts in place of a rector. [1/3 definitions]