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confessor a person who confesses faith in and adherence to Christianity in the face of persecution. [1/3 definitions]
cowardice lack of bravery or resolve in the face of danger, pain, or other difficulties.
dauntless unwavering in the face of fear or obstacles. [1/2 definitions]
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
front one's bearing or manner in the face of difficulty. [1/13 definitions]
nap1 to lack alertness, esp. in the face of danger. [1/3 definitions]
plucky spirited and courageous in the face of difficulty.
retreat to draw back in the face of danger or obstruction. [1/8 definitions]
stick to one's guns to stand firm in the face of opposition or attack.
uphold to support or affirm, esp. in the face of a challenge. [1/2 definitions]