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BLT a toasted sandwich made with fried bacon, strips of lettuce, and sliced tomato.
burger a cooked ground beef patty, usu. served as a sandwich; hamburger. [2 definitions]
cheesesteak a type of sandwich with thinly sliced beef topped with cheese, broiled on a submarine roll.
club sandwich a sandwich of three or more layers of bread, often toasted, that is filled with layers of meat, cheese, tomato, mayonnaise, and the like.
Dagwood sandwich (informal) a many-layered, ludicrously large sandwich with a wide variety of fillings.
double-decker a food item that has two main layers, esp. a sandwich that has two layers of filling between three slices of bread. [1/3 definitions]
falafel a sandwich made of falafel, diced tomato or cucumber, sometimes onions or lettuce, and a sauce, usu. stuffed into pita bread. [1/2 definitions]
grilled cheese shortened form of "grilled cheese sandwich," a cheese sandwich, usually made with white bread, that has been toasted in a skillet until the cheese has melted and the bread is golden brown on the outer sides.
grilled cheese sandwich a cheese sandwich, usually made with white bread, that has been toasted in a skillet until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown on the outer sides.
gyro2 a sandwich made of pita bread stuffed with meat roasted on a rotating spit or skewer and various vegetables and condiments.
hamburger ground beef in bulk or in a patty, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly served.
hero sandwich a large sandwich composed of fillings such as meats, vegetables, and cheeses between the halves of a long roll of bread, usu. Italian bread; submarine; poor boy.
open-faced of a sandwich, not having a top slice of bread. [1/2 definitions]
poor boy see "hero sandwich."
Reuben a hot sandwich made with rye bread filled with corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and a dressing.
sarnie (chiefly British; informal) a sandwich.
sub shortened form of "submarine sandwich," a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich. [1/5 definitions]
submarine a submarine sandwich; sub. [1/4 definitions]
submarine sandwich a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich.
three-decker something with three levels or layers, esp. a sandwich with three slices of bread; triple-decker. [1/2 definitions]
wrap a sandwich-like food that consists of a filling such as meat or vegetables rolled up in a thin layer of soft bread. [1/11 definitions]