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aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt. [1/2 definitions]
asphalt made of, containing, or pertaining to asphalt. [2/4 definitions]
asphaltum see "asphalt."
Attic wit see "Attic salt."
beer a fermented alcoholic drink made of hops and malt. [1/2 definitions]
brine water containing a high concentration of salt. [1/4 definitions]
celery salt a seasoning that consists of ground celery seed and salt.
check a sudden or abrupt halt. [1/19 definitions]
Co symbol of the chemical element cobalt.
enthrone to hold in high regard; revere; exalt. [1/3 definitions]
halite a mineral composed of sodium chloride; rock salt.
halo- salt. [1/2 definitions]
macadam a surface, such as a road, paved with layers of compressed, broken stone, usu. mixed with tar or asphalt. [1/2 definitions]
malt to make (grain) into malt. [2/5 definitions]
malt liquor fermented beer or ale made from malt.
maltster one who makes or deals in malt.
margarita a cocktail made of tequila and lemon or lime juice and usu. served in a glass whose rim is coated with salt.
oast a kiln used for drying and curing tobacco or for drying hops or malt.
pinnacle to put above all else, on or as if on a pinnacle; exalt. [1/5 definitions]
rest1 to bring to a stop or halt. [1/20 definitions]
sal in pharmacy, salt.