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answer to endure punishment or hardship as a result of one's deeds (usu. fol. by "for"). [1/9 definitions]
bear up to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure.
cruel inclined to inflict or intentionally inflicting pain, hardship, or suffering. [1/3 definitions]
depression (cap.) the Great Depression, an economic downturn that affected the United States and other countries from 1929 to 1939, causing large-scale unemployment and hardship for millions of people. [1/7 definitions]
difficult filled with or causing hardship or pain. [1/3 definitions]
equity in law, a system supplementing the common law and serving to allow flexibility in cases where strict application of the law would result in hardship or unfairness. [1/5 definitions]
Great Depression the decade of the 1930s in the United States and other countries, characterized by extreme economic hardship; the Depression.
hardy able to endure hardship; rugged; courageous. [1/2 definitions]
injury any damage or wrong that causes hardship or suffering. [1/3 definitions]
misfortune hardship or bad luck, often over a long period of time. [1/2 definitions]
on welfare receiving public aid because of poverty, hardship, or need.
patience the ability to steadfastly endure misfortune, pain, or hardship. [1/3 definitions]
patient enduring misfortune, pain, or hardship calmly or without complaining. [1/7 definitions]
refuge a place of protection or shelter from danger or hardship. [1/3 definitions]
rugged imposing hardship or strain; demanding. [1/6 definitions]
stamina1 the physical or moral capacity to endure long effort, hardship, or disappointment.
tough capable of enduring adversity or hardship. [1/10 definitions]
tough it out (informal) to endure hardship stoically.
trial a subjection to suffering, pain, or hardship. [1/8 definitions]
trying causing extreme annoyance, hardship, or irritation.
withstand to succeed against some force, influence, or hardship; resist or survive. [1/2 definitions]