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aerate to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respiration. [1/3 definitions]
aerobe an organism, such as a bacterium, that needs oxygen to live.
aerobic occurring or living only in the presence of oxygen. [2/3 definitions]
aerobics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a system of physical conditioning involving sustained and vigorous exercise such as running, swimming, cycling, or dancing, that stimulates the heart and lungs and thereby improves the body's ability to utilize oxygen.
air the tasteless, odorless, and colorless mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. [1/8 definitions]
aldehyde in chemistry, any of a group of organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, the molecule of which contains a terminal carbon atom bound separately to a hydrogen and an oxygen atom.
anaerobe any of various microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, that are capable of living without air or oxygen.
anaerobic able to live or act in the absence of free oxygen. [2 definitions]
anoxia lack of oxygen in the body's tissues. [2 definitions]
arsenic a tasteless, odorless, extremely poisonous white compound of arsenic and oxygen, used as a pesticide; arsenous acid; arsenic trioxide. [1/2 definitions]
arterialize to change (blood from the veins) into blood for the arteries through the addition of oxygen in the lungs.
asphyxia a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the lungs that results in suffocation.
asphyxiate to cause unconsciousness or death by cutting off oxygen to; suffocate. [1/2 definitions]
bacillus any rod-shaped bacterium that is active only in the presence of oxygen, or one composed of a chain of rod-shaped elements. [1/2 definitions]
blood the red fluid containing oxygen and nutrients that circulates in the vascular system of vertebrates. [1/7 definitions]
blue baby an infant born with blue-tinged skin from insufficient oxygen in the blood, caused by a congenital heart or lung defect.
carbohydrate any of a class of organic compounds including sugars, starches, and celluloses that are formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that are important in plants and necessary to animal and human nutrition. [2 definitions]
carbonyl a metal compound containing a radical of one atom of carbon and one of oxygen, or this radical itself.
carboxyl a chemical group containing one atom of carbon, two of oxygen, and one of hydrogen, present in many organic acids.
chemistry the science that studies the structures, functions, transformations, and interactions of basic elements, as, for example, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium, as well as complex substances that combine basic elements. [1/4 definitions]
chokedamp an atmosphere very low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide that sometimes occurs in deep mines and causes miners to choke; blackdamp.