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aberrant straying from what is normal or usual; atypical; anomalous. [2 definitions]
aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity. [1/3 definitions]
abstract formulated in the mind or in thought and not necessarily connected with what is real, proven, or tangible. [1/13 definitions]
acceptance the act of accepting what is offered or given. [1/4 definitions]
accordingly in accord with what is known, stated, or suitable; correspondingly. [1/2 definitions]
add to say or write beyond what has already been said or written. [1/5 definitions]
additionally in addition to what was already mentioned.
ad hoc formed from what is available; improvised. [1/2 definitions]
a drop in the bucket a small amount compared to what is needed.
allegedly according to what has been alleged.
also in addition to what has just been said or written. [1/3 definitions]
and so forth followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
and so on followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
arrange to plan or do what is necessary in order to bring something about (often fol. by "for"). [1/4 definitions]
as a matter of fact actually; in fact (often used when the information that follows will be surprising to the listener or a rejection of what was said previously.)
ashamed to have feelings of shame or embarrassment in connection with what one has or is associated with. [1/3 definitions]
at liberty able to do what is specified. [1/2 definitions]
austere having nothing more than what is strictly necessary; very simple or plain. [1/3 definitions]
backfill to refill with what was previously removed. [1/2 definitions]
back up to return to an earlier point in one's story or account, or give explanatory background to what one is saying. [1/8 definitions]
bargain something obtained at a good price, esp. if it is worth more than what was given in exchange. [1/6 definitions]