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allotment in the U.S. military, the portion of a person's salary authorized for payment directly to another party, such as a dependent. [1/2 definitions]
amateur an athlete who receives no monetary prize, salary, or other payment for competition. [1/5 definitions]
brevet a promotion in military rank, usu. honorary, without an increase in salary or authority. [1/2 definitions]
double dipping the practice, often regarded as unethical, of receiving benefits such as salary, pension, or other compensation from two organizations simultaneously.
downgrade to reduce in rank, position, status, salary, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
emolument profit or compensation from one's position or employment, such as salary or fees.
employment an occupation, esp. for wages or a salary; work; job. [1/3 definitions]
fringe benefit a benefit, such as health insurance or a pension, given to an employee in addition to wages or salary.
garnishee to confiscate by legal order (a salary, bank account, property, or the like) to satisfy an unpaid debt; garnish. [1/3 definitions]
labor work performed for a wage or salary. [1/9 definitions]
pay money or something else of value that is exchanged for work; wages; salary. [1/16 definitions]
paycheck a bank check in payment of wages or salary. [2 definitions]
payday the day on which one's wage or salary is paid.
payoff the full payment of a debt, salary, wager, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position. [1/2 definitions]
raise an increase in wages or salary. [1/15 definitions]
sabbatical leave for teachers and some others, a year or half year of freedom from ordinary duties, granted periodically with full or partial salary.
salaried receiving a salary. [2 definitions]
sinecure a position for a church minister that includes a salary but does not require pastoral duties. [1/2 definitions]
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
take-home pay the salary or wages left after all the various deductions, such as social security and taxes, have been made.