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ablate to wear away or otherwise remove (a surface), as by heat or erosion. [1/2 definitions]
ablation erosion, esp. by heat. [1/2 definitions]
adiabatic of, relating to, or denoting a process that occurs without loss or gain of heat, such as a change in the volume or pressure of the contents of a container.
albumin any of a class of proteins soluble in water and coagulating in heat, found in egg white, blood, milk, and various plant and animal tissues.
anabatic pertaining to wind currents that rise because of heat pockets and the like.
anneal to heat and then slowly cool (esp. glass or metal) so as to strengthen and make less brittle.
arc furnace an electric furnace in which heat is produced by an arc formed between the material being heated and an electrode, or between two electrodes.
arc welding a method of welding in which the extreme heat of an electric arc is used.
bake to cook using dry heat at a moderately high temperature. [3/5 definitions]
Bakelite trademark for any of various synthetic resins and plastics molded by heat, usu. made with phenol, cresol, and formaldehyde.
blast furnace a large, vertical furnace in which metal, esp. iron, is smelted from ore by means of heat intensified by a blast of air forced in at the bottom.
blowpipe a metal tube through which air or gas is forced in a controlled flow into a flame to concentrate and intensify its heat. [1/3 definitions]
boil1 to heat until boiling occurs. [1/8 definitions]
boiler a sealed container or system of containers that when used with a source of heat generates steam for heat or power. [1/3 definitions]
boneblack the carbonized residue of heat-treated bones, used as a blacking pigment or decoloring agent.
bream2 to clean (a ship's hull) of barnacles and other matter by applying heat and scraping.
British thermal unit a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories. (abbr.: Btu)
broil1 to cook at high temperature with heat coming from one direction, as on a grill or in an oven. [4/6 definitions]
broiling causing the physical sensation of extreme heat.
Btu abbreviation of "British thermal unit" or "British thermal units," a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories.
burn to injure or damage by excessive exposure to heat, as from flame or sunlight. [2/14 definitions]