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astrakhan a lustrous curly or wavy fur made from the pelts of young lambs. [1/2 definitions]
chromium a chemical element that has twenty-four protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a silver-gray, lustrous, corrosion-resistant solid metal, chiefly used in electroplating, alloys such as stainless steel, or compounds with other elements. (symbol: Cr)
copper any of various small butterflies, the adults of which have lustrous reddish brown wings. [1/7 definitions]
dull not shiny or lustrous; matte. [1/10 definitions]
glisten to shine with reflected light, sometimes sparkling and sometimes softly lustrous. [1/2 definitions]
glitter to shine brightly, with sparkling or lustrous reflected light. [2/6 definitions]
gold a precious yellow metal chemical element that has seventy-nine protons in each nucleus, that occurs in pure form as a very dense, lustrous, highly malleable solid, and that is often mixed with other metals to make it harder and stronger. (symbol: Au) [1/11 definitions]
iridescent emitting or reflecting a lustrous play of colors covering the spectrum, like a rainbow. [2 definitions]
iridium a chemical element that has seventy-seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a lustrous yellowish white, extremely hard, dense, and corrosion-resistant metal, used as a hardening alloy, esp. with precious metals. (symbol: Ir)
microcline a lustrous feldspar mineral that occurs in various colors and is used in making porcelain.
mink the valuable, soft, lustrous, usu. brown fur of this animal. [1/3 definitions]
nacreous resembling nacre; iridescent; lustrous. [1/2 definitions]
pearlescent having a soft lustrous iridescence.
pitchstone a glassy rock of volcanic origin having the appearance of lustrous pitch.
platinum a chemical element that has seventy-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, highly malleable, lustrous silvery white solid metal, used as a catalyst, in a variety of alloys, and in making jewelry. (symbol: Pt) [1/2 definitions]
shiny lustrous; glossy. [1/2 definitions]
silver a chemical element that has forty-seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a white, ductile, highly lustrous and reflective metal solid, used esp. in making jewelry, coins, bullion, table utensils, and the like. (symbol: Ag) [1/12 definitions]
spar3 any of a number of shiny or somewhat lustrous crystalline minerals (often used in combination).
speculum a distinctively lustrous or colorful patch on the wing of certain birds. [1/3 definitions]
thorium a radioactive chemical element of the actinide series that has ninety protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a malleable, lustrous, grayish white solid metal. (symbol: Th)
vanadium a chemical element that has twenty-three protons in each nucleus and that occurs in a variety of compounds, or in pure form as a bright white, lustrous, ductile solid metal used in some alloys. (symbol: V)