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cause good reason or sufficient motive. [1/5 definitions]
have an ax to grind to have a personal motive in pursuing something.
intention (pl.) a person's plans as distinct from his or her actions, esp. in regard to motive or morality. [1/4 definitions]
mainspring the principal spring in a mechanism such as a timepiece, that provides motive force by uncoiling. [2 definitions]
mechanism the operative or motive part, process, or factor that effects a result. [1/4 definitions]
motiveless combined form of motive.
pretext a false reason or claim put forward to mask one's true motive or aim.
purpose a reason or plan guiding an action; motive or intention. [1/6 definitions]
reading an interpretation of an event, person, or the like, esp. with regard to motive or cause. [1/8 definitions]
subject a motive for action; cause. [1/14 definitions]
vengeance the desire or motive for such retribution or revenge. [1/2 definitions]
violence harm caused by misrepresentation of motive or meaning. [1/5 definitions]
violent pertaining to harm caused by misrepresentation of motive or meaning. [1/6 definitions]