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Dictionary Suite
another being a different one or one of a distinctly different kind. [1/5 definitions]
apocarpous having distinctly separate seed-bearing organs, as the strawberry.
articulate spoken in clear and distinct words or syllables, or having a tendency to speak clearly and distinctly. [3/10 definitions]
clear in a clear manner; distinctly. [1/22 definitions]
dedicated distinctly assigned to a particular purpose. [1/4 definitions]
entity anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being. [1/2 definitions]
plain clearly perceivable or understandable; distinctly evident. [1/8 definitions]
polypetalous bearing distinctly separate petals; not having a fused corolla.
sharp-eyed able to see things distinctly; sharp-sighted. [1/2 definitions]
standout a person or thing that is distinctly superior to one or more others. [1/2 definitions]
well-defined distinctly shown or delineated; portrayed or appearing clearly and unambiguously.